Our Process

Step One - Plan

Your first meeting will be the initial step in a detailed and powerful discovery process guided by either Vaughan Bevan or your TD Wealth Advisor. Using the latest revelations in behavioural finance, we will gain vital insight into what we call your “Wealth Personality,” revealing your financial blind spots and your motivations. Once the groundwork has been laid, we will dig even deeper, using our own knowledge and experience to bring your needs into sharper focus. 

From there, we will create a custom plan that is built upon Four Pillars of Wealth—building net worth, implementing tax-efficient strategies, protecting what matters, and leaving a legacy—and tailored to your specific needs.

Step Two - Implement

With a personalized plan now developed, we will review everything in detail, establish your accounts, and connect with other professionals on your team, like your lawyers and accountants. Once everything is aligned, we will put your financial plan into action. 

Step Three - Review

Three months later, we will meet again to review our progress and help ensure all of your needs are being addressed. We will then assign dates to review your plan’s progress, and keep you updated with timely communication on a schedule that works best for you.

Rediscovering Discovery

Supporting our deep commitment to our clients is our discovery process, which helps us — and you — learn vital information about your financial profile that traditional discovery methods can miss. Grounded in Behavioural Economics and Finance Theory, TD's discovery process leads off with a Five Factor Model of Personality assessment designed to flag your financial blind spots, uncover your financial biases, precisely ascertain your risk tolerance and identify personality traits that may affect how you perceive and react to information, with the ultimate goal of interrupting and course-correcting unfavorable financial decisions — before they are made. What’s more, by taking a thorough and systematic approach to discovery, we are able to ensure that your family members’ financial and lifestyle concerns and goals are heard, understood and accounted for. With this valuable information, we can do our job better, by ensuring that we are addressing both your needs and your financial personality in the advice we give to you.

Getting to know what truly matters to you is our top priority. Applying principles of behavioural finance allows us to dig deeper and understand your personality, your goals, your family, and your motivations.