Retirement Planning Strategies

We help you simplify the complexities of retirement

As retirement income specialists since 1987, we have the experience to help you navigate each stage of retirement and feel more confident about your financial future. We provide meticulous planning, high-touch service, proven strategies, and counseling to keep you focused on the things you can control.

Retirement Planning

Our planning process starts with your vision of what you want your future to look like. From there, we work alongside you to create a plan to help you achieve that vision with confidence. Our interactive planning process and custom client reports let you know how you’re tracking toward your goals. If your circumstances evolve, your plan will too. Our risk management approach helps ensure you are protected along the way. 

Retirement Transition

The transition to retirement can be emotional. In this stage, it’s important to try on the retirement lifestyle you envision to see how it fits. We refer to this as “retirement bootcamp.” You’ll test out the financial plan we’ve created and receive ongoing support to ensure you’re living comfortably and reaching your desired goals. For most clients, this helps them feel financially secure and gives them the confidence to begin the next chapter. For others, it can be a time of reflection. They may choose to work a few more years to increase their contributions before retirement. We’re there to support you during this time, providing guidance and keeping you informed of the best options and strategies for your needs.

Retirement Management

Once you have reached retirement, it’s important to monitor your financial well-being. We’ll support you with strategies to help maximize your income stream and ensure your estate plan is in order. We can also help mitigate any uncertainty along the way: Will my stream run dry? What will happen to the people and causes I care about? Can I pass along something to the next generations? We’re here to keep your river flowing.

Access to TD Specialists

In addition to our goals-based planning and high-touch service, you’ll also have access to TD’s vast resources:

  • Estate planning advisors
  • Tax & estate planners
  • Private trust specialists
  • Mortgage specialists
  • Retail banking
  • Commercial advisors
  • Business banking
  • Business succession advisors

Ready to begin your story?

Contact us at or (905) 704-1400 to start the conversation. We will explore your vision for the future and strategies to get you there.