Privately Managed Portfolios

When you invest in the MK Total Wealth Management Group’s Privately Managed Portfolios, you can have the confidence of knowing you are supported by dedicated research teams at TD Bank Group.

Rigorous investment selection process

Drawing on the various backgrounds, areas of knowledge, and expertise of the TD Securities research team, we also access a broad range of resources to conduct in-depth research and provide ongoing oversight and due diligence to help ensure that your TD Privately Managed Portfolio meets your evolving needs.

Quantitative Analysis

Through portfolios built on proprietary, quantitative models for conservative, moderate, and aggressive investment approaches, this powerful strategy involves ranking and screening premium databases of Canadian and U.S stocks. We then generate a list of top-ranked securities based on your individual investment strategy.

Driving factors in stock strategies

Dividend Yield | Return on Equity | Cash Flow Momentum | Dividend Growth  

Qualitative Analysis

Along with quantitative analysis, our team carries out an in-depth qualitative approach, whereby we consistently review the fundamentals of TD Securities’ best ideas and top stock picks, and select only those companies that meet our specific investment requirements.

Strategic Investment Framework

Active Portfolio Management

Daily rebalancing services. Ensures alignment with investment objectives, even in volatile markets.

Equal Weight Allocation

Companies in the model portfolio receive equal weight. Allows for advantage in various market conditions.

Daily "Trim Up" and "Trim Down" Rules

When a position deviates from designated weighting: Trim up to benefit from lower prices. Trim down to crystallize gains. Structured approach to investment selection, removing emotion, minimizes volatility.

Personalized Investment Strategy

Platform offers personalized strategy. Expertise and complete transparency provided.

Trim Function

Privately Managed Portfolios allocate equal weight to each of the companies that make up our model. In order to take advantage of various market conditions, we implement the daily “trim up” and "trim down" rules. When one position deviates from its designated weighting, we automatically trim up to take advantage of lower prices, or trim down to crystallize gains.

These rules allow us to maintain a highly structured approach to our investment selection, removing emotion and helping to ensure that volatility is minimized.