Our Approach

Our Core Beliefs

The Art & Science of Decision Making

We add value for our clients by understanding how human behaviour impacts financial decisions.

Balance is important. Emotions can put you out of equilibrium. We help bring you back.

Integrity is the cornerstone of our team's values. We have the honest and tough conversations when necessary.

Investing vs Gambling

The families we advise expect a consistent, regular income for the use of their capital – they want a steady stream of reliable cash flow which is independent of fluctuations in the markets.

Family Office Approach

High net worth investors seek collaborators, not “yes people.” We work closely with affluent families and their other professional advisors – accountants and lawyers – to develop a comprehensive, family wealth plan.

When needed, we "quarterback" the planning process; or take a supporting role when asked. Recognizing that "time" is a precious commodity for our clients, the goal of our work is to be time-saving for them.

Education Over Information

Trust is based on understanding. The more you understand our decision-making model, the more comfort you have in our decisions. Most advisors simply provide "information" without context or how it relates to your outcomes.