Serious Wealth Deserves Serious Credentials

As the principals of Noonoo Pinsler Donato Family Wealth Management, we are proud to profile our backgrounds and credentials. We have worked together for more than 25 years to help our clients succeed.

Clifford Noonoo

Senior Investment Advisor

T: (514) 842 7615 | E:

So a little about me- I grew up in Tehran Iran, where activities outside of school were dominated by sports. To this day I am an unabashed sports fan who keenly follows the soccer scene. In 1976 I came to Canada at the age of 16 for what was to be a few years of study and adventure in the western world before returning home. Due to the revolution in Iran, the sojourn became permanent and my parents joined me in 1982.

In 1994 I was hired by TD to open their first wealth investment branch in Montreal. For the first 13 years at TD I managed the operation as well as client accounts. As I grew that branch to be one of Canada’s largest, I gave up my management responsibilities to focus on client accounts.