Our Clients
Transparency. We run our own model portfolios so clients can see the individual securities they hold. We aim to be completely transparent in terms of costs – you always know exactly how much you are paying for our services.

Advising business owners:
- We bring access to sophisticated TD specialists as needed to help you manage your business more tax-efficiently using holding companies and other astute strategies.
- We assist you to plan wisely to accommodate different cash flow needs and help you invest after selling a business and manage your personal assets.

One transparent, asset-based fee, no commission per trade, means:
- We can focus on driving your portfolio’s success without worrying about the cost of trades.
- You have a known, budgetable cost.
- Our single fee, calculated as a percentage of your assets, includes access to estate planning provided by TD specialists.
- You enjoy tax-efficiency – our fee may be tax-deductible upfront on non-registered accounts.
- If you wish to remain involved in your day-to-day investment decisions, you can work with us on a traditional, transactional basis.