I'm honoured to feature testimonials from some of my clients.
After going through 6 different Investment Advisors throughout my lifetime who all seemed to be more focused on selling products versus understanding my retirement goals and objectives, I was introduced to Riad Assaf, Portfolio Manager at TD. He has been professionally managing my family's wealth since 2006 which is a testament to his investment philosophy, discipline and dedication to his clients. He focuses on high quality assets and as a result, our investment portfolios have been increased significantly since 2006 under Riad's stewardship and that includes the severe market crash we went through in 2008-2009 and 2022. Over the years, I have referred a close family member who in tum has recently referred close family friends to deal with Riad.
Raymond B.
Client since 2006
Raymond B.
Client since 2006
As of Feb 27 2024. Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. Testimonials contained herein are unsolicited and may not be representative of the views of others. They have been reviewed and approved in writing for public use.
Riad has been my Advisor for the last 20+ years. His philosophy has been consistent since day 1; invest in high quality companies with pristine balance sheets and solid cash flow and he does not hesitate to remove positions should their investment thesis deteriorate. As a result, his returns have been resilient and consistent through all market conditions. There have been times when I have questioned why he is not investing in certain themes but he has consistently proven himself right and protected me from misinformation in the markets. He doesn't follow the fads of the day and protects his clients from herd mentality pitfalls. He makes the very tough decisions so I don't have to lay awake at night thinking about it, and instead, I can focus on other important things in my life. He has always made himself available even when he's away. There's no such a thing as a 9 to 5 job for Riad. His work phone is always forwarded to his cell when he is out of his office. I run my own company and appreciate that Riad works just as hard as I do. If you're looking for an Advisor to win you over by spending money on entertaining you, Riad is not your guy. If you're looking for a professional who dedicates 100% to doing what's in your best interest and working hard for you, like your Accountant and Lawyer, Riad is your guy.
Scott B.
Principal, Energy Executive
Client Since 2000
Scott B.
Principal, Energy Executive
Client Since 2000