We See the Whole You

With these additional layers, we are well equipped to provide you with guidance when and how you want to receive it.
Your Financial Picture
Your Family Tree
Your Wealth Personality™

Five Factor Model of Personality
- Calm under pressure vs. Quick to react: If you tend to be calm under pressure, we will work with you to help ensure your portfolio aligns with your goals. Quick to react? We may proactively contact you in times of market volatility, and introduce you to ways you can manage risk in your wealth plan.
- In the moment vs. Self-disciplined: If you tend to live in the moment, we can introduce ways to simplify components of your wealth plan and provide annual progress reviews to track progress to goals. More self-disciplined? We can help by scheduling frequent wealth plan review with you and track progress toward achieving your goals.
Thought Leadership

Behavioural Finance & Sustainable Investing
Our latest research study of 1,500 Canadian investors provides insights on their key sustainability priorities and how the Big Five Personality Traits impact investing decisions.

A Behavioural Perspective On Risk
Watch Lisa Brenneman, Head of Behavioural Finance at TD Wealth & Laura Goodyear, Research Associate at BEAR, as they discuss the findings from TD Wealth's latest research that examines the behavioural and psychological factors that may impact a person's willingness to take financial and investment risk.

TD Wealth Behavioural Finance Industry Report, 2021
A Behavioural Perspective on Risk