Management Team

I am The Branch Manager (BM), as well as an Investment Advisor (IA) in the rapidly expanding Markham area.
My Management role includes leading and managing a team of Investment Advisors and their teams. Our objective is to create the best experience for our clients. We work closely with our own TD business partners to leverage the strength of our individual business lines. The result is that we are collectively able to match the growing needs of our clients. We strive to be a vital member of one of the best brands in the world - TD.
My IA hat has me building relations with clients. I believe in presenting Value to my clients. “I create customized financial solutions for successful clients and their families. I use a holistic approach to grow and protect my client assets”. It starts with what I believe:
I believe starting with the financial basics. In order to provide effective financial solutions for clients I must understand their circumstances
I believe in realistic risk return analysis
I believe that asset allocation and diversification can reduce risk
I believe that equity builds wealth
I believe in using top money managers, blue chip stocks and fixed income products to grow and protect wealth
I deal with a broad range of clients - motivational speakers, professionals, senior executives and business owners. What is typical, is their success and their desire to formalize their financial goals and execute a realistic plan. I understand their objectives and communicate effectively.
I understand the value of truly knowing my clients. This underpins all my solutions for them. I have a clear concise process that addresses any financial concern. My high standard of care and discipline provides the foundation for any financial event my clients encounter.
I aim to give clients peace of mind and simplify their financial concerns. My terrific Sales Associate Betsy Lee is instrumental in organizing client needs and facilitating client service and satisfaction. The end goal is to protect and increase wealth.