Our Focus

Our Unique Focus

A Completely Customized Strategy

Behavioural Finance

Successful investing is not about exceptional intelligence. It’s about temperament. As students of behavioural finance, we are skilled at enabling our clients to resist making emotional investment decisions that undermine their financial interests.

Behavioural finance deals with pervasive, deeply rooted biases that influence decision-making. Left unrecognized, such biases can have devastating negative consequences for long-term wealth accumulation. It follows that how we work depends upon our understanding of you.

Collaborative and personal, our proven process encompasses a series of systematic steps leading to a completely customized strategy for every client we advise.

Discovery & Planning

We develop a profound understanding of your overall personal, professional and wealth building goals. Forensic and exhaustive, our approach is designed to present you with strategies and solutions that align with your unique goals.

Proposal & Performance

We construct a long-term investment and wealth plan consistent with your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. It's discussed with and approved by you. Once implemented, is monitored carefullyreviewed regularly, and rebalanced as necessary.

Reporting & Review

You will receive regular portfolio review statements, transaction updates and tax reports. These are supplemented by portfolio review meetings and timely discussions designed to keep your investment strategy on track.