
  • Spring is the time when many of us are busy completing our income tax returns. Cast a critical eye as you prepare yours — are there opportunities to save tax dollars relating to your investment strategies? We’d be happy to share ideas. While the skies have appeared comparatively cloudier for Canada’s economic prospects, over time economies and markets will ebb and flow; one reason that supports the importance of diversification. We continue to take care in navigating these times so that we can arrive at our desired destinations. Should you have family or friends who could use solid investment advice and dependable service, we would be pleased to assist. Here’s to many sunny days ahead.

  • As we leave 2023 behind, it is a reminder that things can unfold much differently than predicted. After a historic series of rate hikes, economies and markets have proved comparatively resilient. The good news is that we may now be on the other side, and things can continue to adjust. While Canadian markets have been bumpy, current valuations and dividend yields may offer opportunities worth considering as we build portfolios for the future. Keep time on your side, look forward to brighter days ahead and continue to participate. Wishing you good health, peace and prosperity for 2024

  • With the rise in rates, more investors have been attracted to low-risk, fixed-income investments. Have you thought about the tax implications? There may be opportunities to be more tax efficient, such as “shifting” interest-bearing instruments to registered plans or investing in investments taxed more efficiently than GICs. By saving on taxes, these alternatives may give you a higher yield. Call for ideas. The return of cooler, shorter days reminds us that the year end fast approaches. Before then, certain actions can support your 2023 tax position, such as tax-loss selling or charitable donations. We can help. Wishing you the best this season.

  • A fair degree of uncertainty continues to cloud the markets. In times like these, it may be helpful to recall this advice: Don’t let the merits of a good investment be overridden by the macro outlook. In some cases, the outlook may not unfold as expected: for 18 months now, many economists have been calling for an “imminent” recession. Most of us are investing for the years to come, and not for today. As advisors, we continue to position portfolios to meet these future objectives. We hope that the summer months bring many leisurely pursuits. As always, please call if we can be of assistance.

  • It was a volatile start to 2023, driven by worries that the central banks would continue raising rates and new challenges in the U.S. financial sector. Have the patience to see this period through; inflation will eventually be brought under control and markets will adjust. This time of year, income taxes are naturally on our minds. There are actions we can take to help minimize these liabilities, which may be important in these times of high inflation; some as simple as maximizing tax advantaged accounts like TFSAs or RRSPs. Call for support. We hope that spring brings renewal, growth and expansion.

  • The year that has passed was a reminder that building wealth doesn’t always follow a steady course. Though challenges persist, we are hopeful that 2023 will prove to be a better year. Continue looking forward and don’t overlook the importance of planning for the future. It’s time, not timing, that produces wealth. RRSP season is around the corner and the TFSA dollar limit has increased. With the turning of the year, we express our sincere gratitude for your trust in our services. Thank you. May the year ahead be filled with hope, health and happiness.

  • Before we know it, the end of 2022 will be upon us. Many of us will need to make investment decisions before then, such as RESP contributions, tax-loss selling or converting a maturing RRSP. As you consider your own situation, please get in touch if we can be of assistance. Keep confidence that the markets will work through this difficult cycle, remembering that upturns can begin during the most ambiguous times. We wish you the best for the cooler days ahead.

  • While it may be difficult to look beyond today, this period of market volatility and economic uncertainty will eventually pass. Market pullbacks are discomforting, yet they remain a normal part of investing. While the media has been busy magnifying the uncertainties, suggesting that this time is different, we remain confident that better times will eventually prevail. As advisors, we have managed through periods such as these before. Part of our role is to help investors navigate these challenging times. If we can help, please call. We hope you’ll find time to enjoy the long days ahead.

  • Escalating geopolitical events in Europe have added to the equity market jitters. During volatile times, try not to be discouraged. While uncertainties may be with us in the short term, history has shown that longer-term investors have benefitted from time in the markets. Spring is often referred to as the season of new beginnings. This may be particularly welcome as we continue to look forward and focus on the return to normal. Stay well.

  • Following two difficult years, the need for giving continues to grow, in Canada and across the world. For those who would like to make philanthropy a part of their legacy, here are seven key considerations (and surprising tax benefits) you should be aware of.

  • Leaving a lasting legacy for your family can involve careful planning and a team of professionals. Here are five questions that can help get you started.

  • Q: My dad is in his 70s and has mentioned moving in with his new girlfriend. Should we be concerned about protecting his assets if the relationship gains common-law status?

  • Stepfamilies are common, but planning for who gets what after you die is anything but routine. When families come together, each with their own possessions, ensuring your assets go where you want is key.

  • The Private Giving Foundation was the first-of-its-kind fund in Canada. Jo-Anne Ryan, Executive Director and architect of the foundation speaks to us about the value of flexible giving and how you can make an impact with your good fortune.

  • For couples who meet later in life, retirement planning may seem a little daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. If you get started now, and ask the right questions along the way, it can even be exciting. Here are a few questions that should be top of mind.