Meet The Team

Investment Advisor
As an Investment Advisor at TD Wealth Private Investment Advice, I take time to discover my clients’ goals and unique circumstances, and build a detailed financial roadmap to ensure you are on track for success. I will provide tailored solutions to fulfil these plans, drawing from a full range of world-class solutions. Investment management options include, but are not limited to: individual equities, fixed-income securities, ETFs, funds and other alternative or private investments. Complementing the investment management is a deep and thorough financial analysis to ensure that the proper tax, insurance, Will and estate, and business succession strategies are implemented as necessary, engaging TD specialists where needed. I am dedicated to exceptional client experiences, and innovative financial strategies are the foundations of my business. I will deliver proactive and personal advice, working closely with you to make key decisions about your portfolio that are in line with your goals.
I have been in the financial services industry since 2006, bringing a wealth of experience in investment management, retirement and estate planning, risk management and tax strategies.
My commitment to continuous education, as well as completion of required qualifications, has earned me the Personal Financial Planner designation conferred by the Canadian Securities Institute.
Away from the office I enjoy playing hockey, baseball and golf. Originally from Nova Scotia, my wife, son and I keep close ties and enjoy vacationing there every summer.
Additional TD Specialists

Tax and Estate Planner
Tax and Estate Planner
The Tax and Estate Planner of the Wealth Advisory Services team applies expertise in estate, trust and tax planning to assist you in developing an estate plan that reflects your personal choices for the future, and the legacy you will leave behind. To help manage your responsibilities, we can work with other TD specialists and external subject matter experts to help identify issues and properly structure your estate in a tax effective manner.

Estate Planning Advisor
Estate Planning Advisor
Your experienced Estate Planning Advisor of the Wealth Advisory Services team will work with you to help you determine the form of coverage for all of your financial and non-financial assets in case of unforeseen events. The strategic use of life, disability, living benefits and annuity products can also help you preserve your wealth, sustain your business and minimize tax obligations.

High Net Worth Planner
High Net Worth Planner
Your High Net Worth Planner of the Wealth Advisory Services team will work with you and your other professional advisors, when appropriate, to develop comprehensive wealth strategies based on a number of wealth considerations. Among them: creating retirement income streams, estate planning, business and insurance considerations, transitioning your business, accessing sophisticated credit solutions, tax planning and philanthropic planning.