Investment Advisor
Spanning a combined total of five decades of industry knowledge and experience, our team strives to deliver tailored advice and service commitment that are second to none in the North Bay area. With a comprehensive focus on the Four Pillars of Wealth Management at TD Wealth, we address all facets of building and protecting net worth, tax efficiency and estate planning, by leveraging our team's experience and the expertise of TD specialists. We are committed to ensuring that your financial goals and objectives are being met today, tomorrow and well into the future so you can focus your time and energy on what's important to you.

Senior Investment Advisor
Spanning a combined total of five decades of industry knowledge and experience, our team strives to deliver tailored advice and service commitment that are second to none in the North Bay area. With a comprehensive focus on the Four Pillars of Wealth Management at TD Wealth, we address all facets of building and protecting net worth, tax efficiency and estate planning, by leveraging our team's experience and the expertise of TD specialists. We are committed to ensuring that your financial goals and objectives are being met today, tomorrow and well into the future so you can focus your time and energy on what's important to you.