Conservative, planning based approach
Effective asset management
I am a conservative investor, so I build safety nets into everything and make planning a priority. With experience and integrity, I provide:
I am a conservative investor, so I build safety nets into everything and make planning a priority. With experience and integrity, I provide:

Income-driven portfolios. Whether you actually need income in the short term or not, I believe in the value of income-generating portfolios. If income distributions are not required immediately, we reinvest them. I adopt new products, ideas, and innovations slowly and with discernment to add progressive elements to your portfolio.
- Creating a unique portfolio personalized for you
- Methodical long-term thinking regarding investments
- Matching portfolio income with personal expenses
- Updating your investment strategy to allign with your changing needs

Contingent immunization. I focus on immunizing your portfolio from market fluctuations, and working with you to determine how much income you will need and aim to deliver it through high-quality dividend-paying investments. Matching your income with your expenses through effective portfolio design can help you achieve your goals and also increase your comfort with volatile markets. Your statement will go up and down over the long term; this shouldn’t mean you can’t take a vacation as planned.

Risk minimization. One definition of risk is not being able to do the things you want to do, when you want to do them. Another form of risk is the permanent impairment of capital. My challenge is helping clients to articulate what they want to do and structuring a portfolio to enable them to achieve those goals. To help manage risk, I recommend specialized products such as structured notes to give my clients an extra level of protection against potential downturns (with no guarantees), but also attractive current income. Not all advisors offer specialized products because they are complicated – it takes considerable analysis to find appropriate alternatives and to use them effectively.

Experience and training as a Chartered Financial Analyst® Charterholder (CFA® Charterholder). I select investments directly from many sources and rely on TD and other top money managers for more specialization and better access to timely information. As someone who actually lived through 1987 and didn’t just read the history book, I draw upon my 30 years of experience, and tenure as a CFA® since 1991, to find astute ways to invest both your short- and long-term capital.

Tax-effective investing. This is a matter of placing your various investments in the appropriate tax situation to ensure you are paying no more than your required amount of tax. Using as many tax savings strategies as available within the context of a comprehensive plan can save significant tax costs. This can allow your portfolio to raise your returns or lower your risk, in a balance that suits your investment personality.

Insight into your wealth values and personality. Our team personalizes our financial strategies to provide relevant, customized advice and help you achieve your goals and dreams. We will work with you to discover, define and prioritize your values and expectations, and stay in tune with your needs to help ensure that you are on track to achieve the future that you envision for yourself.

Comprehensive wealth planning. I will work with you to develop a responsive plan to address your life events. With over 30 years of experience combined with the expertise of TD specialists as needed, I can provide you with a wide range of services, including:
- Charitable Giving Strategies
- Intergenerational Family Wealth Management
- Retirement Income Planning
- Business Succession Planning
- Tax and Estate Planning

Discretionary Investing. This is a service that can be chosen to allow you to be involved with the overall strategy and goals, while leaving the daily investment and administrative decisions to our team. A written Investment Policy Statement is crafted to articulate your situation, goals and any restrictions. This can be useful if you do not have time, interest or expertise to fully participate in investment decision making.