
  • Commodity stocks helped Canada's main stock index swing to a slight gain Wednesday after the market opened lower, while U.S. markets closed higher.

    The early dip and reversal in equities came in part from global jitters around North Korea's threat to cancel denuclearization talks and a proposal from Italy to write down $250 billion in debt, said Jillian Bryan, senior vice-president at TD Wealth Private Investment Advice in Vancouver.

  • Financial services are transforming. Thanks to the rise of cheap online advice, consumers who still work with human advisors are demanding lower fees, comprehensive advice and good performance—erasing any doubt that advisors can simply place investments. And with a statutory best interest standard not yet dead, advisors might perceive robust financial planning as a way to protect against liability, suggests the “U.S. Advisor Metrics 2017” report from Cerulli Associates.

  • TORONTO -- Canada's main stock index headed lower Thursday as American stocks dropped sharply on news that U.S. President Donald Trump's tax cut plans may be delayed.

    The S&P/TSX composite index was down 23.26 points to 16,082.09 in a broad-based decline that saw most major sectors finish in the red.

  • The Toronto Stock Exchange's main index rose sharply Thursday as Statistics Canada reported the country's surging economic growth blew past forecasts in the second quarter.

    The S&P/TSX composite index gained 78.74 points to 15,221.87 in a broad-based advance.

    In the morning, Statistics Canada released data showing real gross domestic product expanded at an annual pace of 4.5 per cent, the country's best GDP start to a calendar year since 2002.

  • There's more to de-risking your retirement investments than preparing for stock-market crashes, inflation and other headline-grabbing events.

    The risk of losing your ability to look after your investments as you age must also be addressed. Whether from an incapacitating illness or dementia, you could be in a position where you are unable to make needed changes in your portfolio or withdraw needed funds.

  • We sat down with five inspiring women from across Canada from a number of TD Wealth businesses to learn about how they define and demonstrate leadership, their role, working at TD Wealth, and how they help their clients reach their goals.