Deeper Discovery for Deeper Due Diligence

Understanding You and Your Story

Everyone has their own story and no one will be able to provide tangible value and advice without fully knowing yours.

Discovery is about having a dialogue about your past, where you are today, about your future and understanding what makes you unique. By utilizing the innovative discovery tool developed by TD Wealth I will apply principles of behavioural finance to dig deeper and understand your wealth personality so we can better know how you make decisions.

This information is reinforced by my unique in-depth discovery process for a deeper and more profound understanding of your needs, your wants, and the priorities and values that are most important to you.

Risk Management

Markets can be uncertain and present many unknown risks to your financial future.  Are you concerned about the financial, social or environmental impact of controversies such as BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Pacific Gas and Electric's (PG&E) bankruptcy due to litigation related to the California wild fires or the 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh?

Those are examples of how corporate governance practices, environmental or social issues can affect your financial future.

How can you try to avoid or minimize those impacts?

The key is the deeper due diligence provided by Responsible Investment. The implementation of an additional layer of analysis utilizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors allows you to enhance and broaden the understanding obtained by traditional financial evaluation.

Avoidance of managing these factors can introduce material unintended risks to your financial future.

Why is this so important?

In the Financial System Review Report released May 16, 2019 for the first time the Bank of Canada added a new vulnerability: climate change. It states; "For central banks, the focus is on the risks that climate change poses to both the economy and the financial system. These include physical risks from disruptive weather events and transition risks from adapting to a lower-carbon global economy. The Bank is incorporating this risk into its analysis of the Canadian economy and financial system."

Since 2011, environmental risks have been appearing regularly in the Global Risks Report produced by the World Economic Forum. Extreme weather events, natural disasters, water crisis and failure of climate-change mitigation and adaption figure prominently over the last few years as 4 of 5 main risks threatening our planet for likelihood of occurring and in terms of impact should it occur. (Source:

As an active member of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA) of Canada and a professional dedicated to incorporating Responsible Investment in my investment decision process, I have earned the Responsible Investment Advisor Certification through the RIA.

Goals Based Planning

Goals based planning is an incredible tool to help you prioritize your goals and help you stay focused on the long-term without emotional decisions and cognitive biases during market turbulence.