Shaun Rickerby

Shaun Rickerby

Senior Investment Advisor

Senior Portfolio Manager




Working together to help you achieve what truly matters to you



(604) 482-5188

Office Location

5811 Cooney Road Suite 306 Richmond, BC V6X 3M1. map

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Simple, Sustainable and Effective Wealth Management Plans

Finding the right Investment Advisor can be a challenge, and questions abound: Are you on target to meet your financial goals? Are there opportunities you might be missing? Is your financial situation as clear as it can be? Is your wealth plan in line with your personal vision of success?

With over 30 years of financial services and investment experience, I’ve built my career helping individuals, business owners, and professionals answer these questions and craft personal, comprehensive, balanced portfolios and wealth management strategies that can generate growth, mitigate risk, and guide them toward greater success.

As your Investment Advisor and Portfolio Manager, I strive to offer you my singular insight, a sharper perspective, and a deeper understanding of your wealth using simple, sustainable and effective wealth management and investment plans. It’s all part of an in-depth experience designed to leave you feeling informed, empowered, and excited by what tomorrow could bring.


Toll Free

(888) 955-7255


(604) 482-5183

Branch Phone

(604) 482-5168

Branch Fax

(604) 482-5183





Community Involvement

Shaun has been a volunteer with: •Junior Achievement Company program •Dollars and Sense program •Richmond Disability Society •Habitat for Humanity | Shaun has been a participant and guest speaker with: •Advocus AGM •Canadian Cancer Society’s 400km Ride 2 Survive

Communication, Clarity, and Accountability

Investments, estates, trusts, taxes, business successions, philanthropy, retirement, legacies: wealth management can be complicated and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

One of the most rewarding parts of my job is bringing clarity to complex financial situations, sharing that new perspective with my clients, and later hearing about the positive impact it helped make in their lives.

It all starts with a guided Discovery process that uses the science of behavioural economics who you are, how you think, and the priorities for you and your family. From there, we’ll explore Investment Perspectives and develop a Playbook and Portfolio that will help us ensure your investments are always in line with your short, medium and long term goals.

Your wealth is more than your investments, and that’s where the joint insight of a dedicated team of diverse and dynamic TD specialists comes in. We’ll work together to perform a Comprehensive Wealth Evaluation and provide a coordinated set of solutions that cover every aspect of your financial situation, from estate plans and business succession, to tax strategies and retirement planning. Once everything is in place, I’ll remain your key associate at TD, providing yearly updates on your progress, and meeting with you regularly to monitor, measure and adjust your plans when needed.

Our Services


Second Opinion Service

My Second Opinion Service (SOS) Is an invaluable opportunity that’s free for qualified investors who want to ensure they’re getting the most from their investments.

Call today to learn if your wealth is doing all that it can.

Discretionary Investing

As a discretionary Portfolio Manager, I can provide the convenience, reliability and opportunities only found with discretionary investing. My decisions are supported by up-to-the-minute information from the Portfolio Advice & Investment Research (PAIR) team, and I’ll use that knowledge, along with my decades of experience, to help guide your portfolio and ensure it’s in line with your vision of success. We can manage the money for you, not just with you, working to provide easier access to sudden opportunities, and freedom from daily investment decisions.

TD Specialists

As my client, you’ll not only benefit from my insight and experience, but from access to some of the industry’s most regarded wealth specialists. We’ll work together to provide a coordinated set of solutions that covers every aspect of your wealth, from estate plans and business succession, to tax optimization and retirement planning.

Our Client Experience

The Three C's Approach

A personalized approach, informed and inspired by your unique outlook, is the foundation of every good wealth strategy.

Market Commentary

Build your understanding of investment concepts and stay current with ongoing market trends. Choose from a variety of helpful daily, monthly, and quarterly newsletters and resources.


Money Talk

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Hear what matters.
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Gearing up for 2024: Tax and rule changes coming in the new year

As 2023 draws to a close, there are some key changes coming that investors may want to prepare for, including an increase to the TFSA contribution limit for 2024 and adjustments to the Alternative Minimum Tax system. Nicole Ewing, Director, Tax and Estate Planning at TD Wealth, discusses what to expect with MoneyTalk’s Greg Bonnell.
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TD Economics

The analysis covers the globe, with emphasis on Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia


Monthly Perspectives: The Perfect Gift

Read the latest from our Wealth Investment Office


Michael Craig on key investing themes to watch in 2024

As inflation trends lower, financial markets are betting that interest rate cuts may not be far behind. Michael Craig, Head of Asset Allocation at TD Asset Management, discusses the outlook for rates and markets in the year ahead with MoneyTalk’s Greg Bonnell.
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Federal Budget 2024: How proposed new taxes and spending could impact the economy

The federal government has released its 2024 budget with a focus on new taxes, increased spending and housing affordability. Derek Burleton, Vice President and Deputy Chief Economist at TD, speaks with Greg Bonnell about the economic implications.
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